Udyog Aadhar Registration

Udyog Aadhaar Registration Certificate

Udyog Aadhar or MSME registration is a certificate that is provided to micro, small and medium sized businesses in India under the MSME Act, 2006. Udyog Aadhar used to be referred as MSME registration earlier.

Lately, then process has been merged with Udyog Aadhar registration and the application can be made online. The primary objectives of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises concerning the Udyog Aadhar registration are as follow:

  • To enable the micro, small and medium enterprises to compete with international competition efficiently;
  • To promote the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises on a large scale to effectively tackle the widespread problems of unemployment and poverty;
  • To extend the benefits of various government scheme at one stop to the SSI units;
  • To safeguard SSI from financial harassment in the hands of big industries.

Eligibility for Udyog Aadhar Registration

It is not mandatory for all businesses to obtain Udyog Aadhar registration. Only the entities mentioned below that are classified as a micro, small or medium enterprises as per the table below based on the investment in plant and machinery is eligible for Udyog Aadhar.

Classification Manufacturing Sector Service Sector
Micro Enterprises Upto Rs.25 lakhs in plant and machinery Upto Rs. 10 lakh investment in Equipment
Small Enterprises Upto Rs.25 lakhs in plant and machinery Upto Rs. 10 lakh investment in Equipment
Medium Enterprises Upto Rs. 10 crore investment in plant and machinery Upto Rs.5 crore investment in Equipment

Documents Required for Udyog Aadhar Registration

To Obtain Udyog Aadhar Registration in case of proprietorship the applicants personal Aadhar is the main requirement. Apart from this only the email and mobile number are required.

  • In case of proprietorship the applicants Aadhar is mandatory.
  • In case of a Partnership the partners Aadhar can be used.
  • In case of a Company, the Directors Aadhar can be used.
  • In case of LLP, the Designated Partners Aadhar can be used.

If an applicant or an authorised signatory of a business does not have Aadhar then he or she must first apply for Aadhar at an Aadhar enrolment centre. Once, the Aadhar is obtained the Udyog Aadhar process can be started.

Procedure for Udyog Aadhar Application

In order to obtain Udyog Aadhar registration following steps should be followed:

  • 1

    Log on to the Udyog Aadhar Website

  • 2

    Enter the 12 digit Aadhar of the applicant to complete the verification process.

  • 3

    Provide the name of the authorised signatiory or the owner as mentioned on the Aadhar Card. Incase the name doesn’t matches with the Aadhar number the application will be rejected.

  • 4

    Provide the applicant’s caste. If the applicant belomg to SC/ST/OBC he should submit the proof as it may be asked by the appropriate authority if and when required.

  • 5

    Fill the name by which the entreprise is famous and is a legal entity from where the business conducted.

  • 6

    If the applicant has multiple businesses one applicant can obtain more than one Udyog Aadhar registration.

  • 7

    The type of Legal Entity should be selected.

  • 8

    PAN number of the proprietor should be entered in case of proprietorship. In case of LLP or Company the PAN of the entity should be entered.

  • 9

    The location of the business must be entered.

  • 10

    The main address along with the corporate office address along with the mobile and email address must be entered.

  • 11

    The date of commencement of business must be entered.

  • 12

    The address of previous MSME is applicable must be entered.

  • 13

    The next step is to enter the Bank details of the Bank account of the Company. (IFSC code and Bank Account Number)

  • 14

    The major or activity of the business should be selected.

  • 15

    It is necessary to select the appropriate NIC code from the National Industrial Classification Handbook.

  • 16

    The total number of people employed in business must be entered.

  • 17

    Enter the amount of the money invested in terms of machinery and equipment by the business. Do not include the value of building or land.

  • 18

    If required enter the details of District Industry Center.

    Once all the above documents are submitted re check the details filled and click on the submit button. Verify the OTP number, generated by the registered number with Captcha code required. An acknowledgement number will be generated and emailed to the applicant, which will be useful for future references.

Benefits under Udyog Aadhar Registration

  • Udyog Aadhar registration has simplified the process of registering the businesses under MSMEs but there are some additional benefits to it.
  • Bank loans can be availed at a lower rate of interest, also in some cases the bank loans can be availed without collateral or mortgage.
  • The applicant is also available for government subsidies.
  • The applicants gets financial support for participating in foreign expos to showcase their products.
  • Udyog Aadhar registration also reduces the cost of setting up the business or patenting.
  • There are also various tax rebates and exemptions for small and medium enterprises that have done Udyog Aadhar registration.
  • There are tariff subsidies which can be availed along with capital and government subsidies.
  • Licenses, approvals and registration become easier with Udyog Aadhar registration.


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